Transnational initiative for young people in Middle-Saxony

Project Outline

The federal Ministry for Work and Social Affairs has initiated a new programme in conjunction with IDA (integration through exchange). The project focuses on empowering young unemployed adults through European mobility and exchange programmes, in order to gain social and professional experience that will allow them to compete within the wider European and foreign labour market.

The educational institute PSCHERER gGmBH, together with GSQ (Association for Structure development and Qualifications) and ARGE Freiberg (job centre) have developed the programme ‘Transnational Initiative for Young People in Middle-Saxony” and will implement this programme together between 01/10/2009 and 30/06/2012.

The project is aided by both the Federal Ministry for Work and Social Affairs and the European Social Fund, which will finance the programme. This financial assistance will cover flights, accommodation, subsistence, supervision, the language course and daily travelcards as well as medical and liability insurance.

In order to realize the exchange programmes and the participants to carry these out within a European country, Embrace Cooperation Ltd, which has many years’ experience with Loeonardo da Vinci exchange programmes, will work with us as a transnational partner.


For the implementation of the project, we work with ARGE Freiberg, which allocates young people into employment programmes with GSQ.

During this time the participants will undertake various tests, interviews and observations. The participants who have the appropriate level of readiness will then have the choice of possible foreign exchange placements.

After the completion of the government-funded employment programme, those who are ready for a European exchange will then take part in a 2-week preparatory training course. Here, they will create their EUROPASS CV in English. A 6 -week stay in London with Embrace Cooperation Ltd will then follow.


Beginning with a 2- week language course, the participants will then complete a 4-week work-placement, of which all types are available.
Upon completion of the project, every participant will receive a EUROPASS mobility certificate, a placement reference and a certificate from Embrace regarding the English language course, their personal development and cultural education. They will also receive a participant certificate for taking part in the language course and work placement.

Once the project is completed, the participants will be continually supported by the project partner in their job search, locally, nationally and internationally.

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